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Araceli Susunaga

" I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true" -Walt Disney

To launch yourself as an entrepreneur, being the owner of your own business, you have to consider at least three aspects: who are your competitors for the good or service you are going to offer, what market you are going to cover and what are its conditions, and who could be your potential clients.

Sordo (2023) mentions that being an entrepreneur requires a lot of dedication, investing a lot of time and being brave.

For this reason, you should first consider whether you have these characteristics, among others:

  1. You like to be the leader of your own projects. You don't like being under the command of others (you are a leader and independent) and you work very well in collaborative teams.

  2. You have your eyes set beyond what others see and look at, you like to take risks considering the pros and cons, providing a different vision to challenges and problems (you have initiative).

  3. You look for ways to do new things, create great things with simple tools (you are creative, innovative).

  4. You are not satisfied with what you have. You are confident in yourself and believe in what you do. Problems do not stop you, you look for ways to solve them (you have and feel passion for what you do).

  5. You have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You learn from failures and mistakes to start again (you are perseverant, have the ability to solve problems and are optimistic)

  6. You are always looking to learn new things every day. You are willing to learn from others (you are open to advice and training).

  7. You use technological tools and take advantage of their benefits.

Source: Ana Isabel Sordo @anaisabelsorfer



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