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Financial Education. Investments

Araceli Susunaga

Continuing with the topic of investments, it is necessary to discover the type of investor you are, according to BBVA and CONDUSEF (2023). Therefore, before deciding what you will invest your money in, you must associate your personality with the following profiles:

  • Conservative. You seek the lowest possible risks, prefer stable investments, and even if you receive low returns, you value having greater availability of your money. Your investment horizon is short.

  • Moderate. You try to find good returns without taking too many risks. You want safe investments. Your investment horizon is medium term.

  • Aggressive . You are only interested in high returns and are willing to take higher risks. Your investment horizon is long-term.

In addition, you should know that when it comes to investments, it is necessary to know and understand the terms and concepts involved, to become familiar with them and their implications, since it is your money that is at stake. So, to start investing, it is important that you know the following:

  • Yield . This is the profit you expect to make. It is almost always measured as a percentage of the amount you invested.

  • Risk . This involves assigning a numerical value to the uncertainty of the performance that your investment may have.

  • The investment horizon . This is the time (short, medium or long term) that each investment or the strategy in general will last.

  • Your investor profile. The characteristics and needs that define you as an investor. Knowing it will help you make better decisions and will help you know how aggressive or conservative you can be in your moves (consider: objectives, horizon, experience and level of resistance to stress).

Liquidity level. This is the speed with which you can withdraw your investment over the duration of your investment.




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