It is very important to save so that emergencies and plans do not catch you off guard and then leave you feeling frustrated for not achieving your goals.
What should you take into account when you decide to save?
Make a plan or budget.
Learn to distinguish between basic needs and desires.
Set short, medium and long term goals.
If you save in a credit institution, choose the one that offers you the highest return and charges you the lowest fees. Check if it is authorized and regulated by the authorities of the system.
Review the contract carefully.
Designate a beneficiary in case you are missing.
What are the types of savings?
Formal. This is what we do in a credit institution or savings bank, and which are well regulated.
Informal. It is the amount saved in a piggy bank, under the mattress, joining a group with friends or giving it to a trusted person to keep. It doesn't matter where you keep your savings, the important thing is that you do it.
Young people and not so young people are advised to save at all times. If you have family members in Mexico who are workers, remind them or inform them that they will no longer have a pension when the time comes to retire from their working life. Those who started working a little more than 20 years ago will no longer receive one. If you work or are employed in the USA, you will receive a pension, but saving should still be part of your habits.
Other ways to save according to CONDUSEF (2023)
Fix leaks
Do not leave lights on
Do not leave devices connected
Don't succumb to unbudgeted expenses
I invite you to save part of your income, you won't regret it, I assure you!
“Saving is the first step to achieving your goals”